1 - An unexpected surprise made you happy. How would you describe your happiness? Calm, almost like serenity || Ephemeral, it's going to vanish soon || Absolute || You don't know 2 - You made a little mistake and your boss reproved you. You feel: Quiet, nothing terrible happened || Ashamed, you'd like to disappear || Controlled by your boss || You don't really care 3 - Among your infancy memories, how many of them are positive and how many negative? Mostly positive || Mostly negative || Half and half || You have no infancy memories 4 - Deciding what gift to get for a dear person makes you feel: Stressed || Bored || Joyful || Somehow happy 5 - Receiving a gift makes you: Excited || Satisfied || Anxious (You'll have to requite) || Guilty (you didn't give anything) 6 - A dear friend brought you a present, but you can't open it for few days. What do you do? You don't think about it, it's not important || You're curious and you shiftily look at it || You shake the package to see if you can understand what's inside it || You open it as soon as you can, than you close it again 7 - A friend asks you to watch his baby for a couple of hours. When you are alone with the baby, you: Have a lot of fun || Are afraid that something could happen to him || Are bothered: why did your friend ask you? || Are at ease but not so interested 8 - Seeing in a shop an old toy that you loved when you were a child, makes you: Pleasantly nostalgic || Excited: you may even buy it! || A little sad || Normal: what's the problem? 9 - Christmas means for you: A pain in the neck || Sadness || Serenity || A good chance to see your family || An occasion to claim things 10 - Do you remember when you wrote your last letter to Santa Claus? Yes, you were very young || Yes, you were young but not so much || No, you never wrote Santa || No, you can't recall it || Sure, last Christmas 11 - Do you consider your youth friends as the best you've ever had? No, you don't even remember them || Not really, but you pleasantly remember them || Yes and No: you were fond of them but they were not true friends || Yes, they're still your best friends 12 - When it rains, it snows, the rainbow shows, do you go near the window to admire it? Yes, you love it || Not always || No, you don't like it || No, but you'd do it if you had more time 13 - There's that cartoon you loved so much (when you were a child) on tv. Are you going to watch it? Always, you won't lose a single episode || You'll try to watch it compatibly with your tasks || Rarely || No, you don't care 14 - Are you ready to take charge of your life? Very much, you're mature || Enough, you're grown up || Not much, you don't feel mature enough yet || No, you hate responsibilities 15 - The presence of your parents, or their memory, makes you fell: Angry/sad || Indifferent || Serene/nostalgic 16 - World exists because you exist. Do you agree with it? Very much || Enough || Not much || Not at all 17 -Your loved ones define you: Rigid || Tender || Childish || Mature 18 - How must an opposite sex person be in order to capture you? Submissive || Sexy || Reassuring || Playful 19 - How much do you like to satisfy your caprices? Much, caprices must be satisfied! || Enough, but you satisfy them only sometimes || You have no caprices 20 - How much do children like you? Much || Enough || Not much || Not at all